Gods and Goddesses
Northern European

ORIGIN: Icelandic

TYPE: A major group of Norse deities concerned primarily with peace and prosperity and with the fertility of the land.

KNOWN PERIOD OF WORSHIP: Viking period circa 700 CE and earlier, until Christianization 1100 CE and in some instances beyond.

CENTER(S) OF CULT: Various throughout areas of Nordic influence, but particularly at Uppsala in Sweden.

ART REFERENCES: Stone carvings and sculptures; artwork on weapons, etc.

LITERARY SOURCES: Icelandic codices; Prose Edda (Snorri); Historia Danica (Saxo); various classical authors.

INFORMATION: A smaller race of deities than the Aesir gods led by Othin. The most important among them are Freyr and Freyja. THe sea god Njord, had originally been a Vanir but became hostage to the Aesir whn the two races were at war. See also Aesir.